Monday, June 16, 2008

A Very Hungry Caterpillar

This is it! The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I finished this on Wednesday, took the photographs, wrapped it up and airmailed it to Australia. Sometimes it's like giving away a child. This one hurt. Much love went into this quilt. The colors were striking, the quilting was super fun and best of all Dahlia loved it. I always know when I have a hit when she says it's "so so beautiful." I keep looking at the scraps on the table thinking how much I adored this fabric. I think I can make a few blocks to put in my scrap quilt. Thanks to everyone who offered comments on it, and aaaaaahs, you are all so great! And to Alexander - don't let your mom fold this up and put it away, make her let you get it dirty, and drag it everywhere! Tell her that Neil and Marcus used her bibs until they grew out of them and they are quite stained, but in the end I ironed them and put them in their scrapbooks. They remember using them and that is marvellous.


kira said...

Mati!!!! It looks just beautiful!!! Great job girl!!!!!!!

Mary said...

This is my favorite so far!!!