Friday, June 13, 2008

Skeletons in the Closet

Okay, this is for Kira who thinks I finish things and always get my projects done. I won't take a photo, because this is embarassing enough. I have skeletons, yes it's true, lots of them!

TWO (not one) thirties fabric quilt tops
Unfinished circus quilt top
Unfinished Princess quilt top
Unfinished ocean quilt top
20 trick or treat bags left over from last years fall festival (at least they are finished)
Enough blocks for three "I spy" quilts, not sewn of course
A Dahlia kit and fabric for a quilt for Dahlia (naturally) collecting dust (not really dust)
4 Christmas panels and co-ordinating fabric for some future date when I make Christmas panels and can give them as a gift. Ask me what year.
Christmas fabric which I intended to make matching stockings for the family. Hmmmm.
A half finished Easter wall hanging, pinned together.
Fifteen out of fifty crazy log cabin 12x12 blocks for a queen size quilt which I had hoped to finish in May. (Darn Carpel Tunnel)
Six receiving blankets and burp cloths sewn and turned but not stitched down. Still those are closer to being done than other things.
Forty yards of Halloween fabric. Why? Because I have a weakness.
A collection of newsprint and vintage looking fabric, for what purpose I have no idea. I figure someday there might be a reason, but for now it's just a collection.

I'm afraid if I go on I might start feeling ill. Okay Kira. Feel better?


Roc of the Island said...

I remember when my parents went to Korea preside over the Seoul mission and they moved out of their home. My mom had so many unfinished sewing projects and even more fabric that my dad made her get rid of a ton of it. Rebecca inherited loads, as did all my sisters, and my mom still kept so much fabric that she just couldn't get rid of. Much of the fabric is so dated that it's been in and out of style several times since it's been bought.

Rebecca J. Carlson said...

Let me see, I have a giant Chinese-style embroidery project (doomed, you can bury it with me unfinished), a crewel work skirt (so tacky I think I'll make it into a throw pillow--I wouldn't wear it), the beginning of a crochet afghan, a couple half-finished rag rugs,lots of mending, and that's it. My long list of unfinished projects would be the stories and family histories I mean to write someday.

I heard it was really hot in Vegas today. Thanks for watering my poor trees! I love you!

Kira said...

Hahaha! Yes! Because your closet did NOT look as bad as mine ... I was laughing the hardest about the yards of fabric. :) So, when are you going to come over & finish something with me? :)