Grand Finale
Alice Morrey Bailey
Last night the sky was filled with lyric sound.
Arpeggioed mountain scenes backdropped the stage.
Profundo claps electrified the ground
While ballerina flowers of tender age
Swayed upper left. A chorus line of trees
Swept in from right as silver-costumed rain
Danced in and out to Gypsy fiddle breeze.
One snowy peak, spot-lighted sang refrain.
Duets of rainbows arched from wing to wing
As rapier lightning dueled upstage and down.
A choir of rivers burst their throats to sing.
West-facing windows spangled all the town.
The prima donna sun took bows of light
Before the lowered curtain of the night.
This fabulous poem was my inspiration for the quilting. It feels like a dance to me and so I tried to make the quilted flowers dance. There is a lot of movement in the quilting and the poem. The fabric is all 1930's reproduction feed-sack prints. This one is for Kelli's gorgeous girl.